I looked more closely at the white moldy stuff. Wasn't sure what that was, but I did find tons of scale.
There's something so repulsing about scale. I dabbed a bit of Ecover dishwashing soap onto an old toothbrush and brushed/washed away what I could.
The bog is a bit sparse. I'm still figuring out what to grow with the Darlingtionia. I have some yellow eyed grass, but it's not doing much. If I find a good sward of moss I may lay that down. Smaller plants like bog violets and lady's tresses and maybe a few sundews might be nice, but I don't know how to obtain any local ones, at least not ethically. I may try to collect seed one of these days.
But there's more...
Of course I cut open some of the leaves to see what they had caught.
Lot's of rotting bugs in there. I could recognize beetles, a fly, and even a larva of somekind (Below). The anterior end of the larva fell off as I was opening up the leaf. Nice.
Despite the hassels, it's a cool plant. Eventually, it may be as tall as my knee, may fill the entire bog, and may bloom and seed itself. One can only hope.
I often have scale on the Sarracenia leucophylla I grow indoors (greenhouse) but I've never seen that white mold. Wonder if it's growing on the scale excretion, like sooty mold, only white.
I applaud your efforts.
Thanks, Ellen. I think you might be right about the moldy stuff being associated with the scale.
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